The client has a large auction lot with vehicles of all makes and models spread across the site. The client wished to track the location of each vehicle and to indicate its location on the car lot. They also required the on board data (OBD) of the vehicle to be presented on a graphical display using the VIN number of the vehicle. The VIN number of the vehicle will be the initiator of the displayed information. The selected vehicle will be displayed on the graphical display indicating its position on the auction site and presenting the user with the vehicle’s OBD of the vehicle.

The Marchwood Integrated Solution

MARCHWOOD Integrated visited the owner of the vehicle lot to gauge the full scope of the client’s wishes. MARCHWOOD Integrated informed the client this would be possible by employing MARCHWOOD Integrated vehicle tracking system. All the vehicles on the lot must be installed with MARCHWOOD Integrated vehicle tracking device. The device is connected to the OBD socket. The node is an unobtrusive device approximately, 40x40x15mm and weighs only a few grams. The OBD port is a standard feature for all vehicles since 1996. The information from the OBD device such as battery voltage, catalytic converter data, etc. is transmitted via the MARCHWOOD Integrated OBD node. The vehicle nodes are connected wirelessly to a site controller which is connected to the site’s intranet via the LAN connection. The information is then presented on a graphical display indicating the OBD information as well as the location of the vehicle being investigated. The display presents the vehicle on a map browser with its latitude/longitude co-ordinates.

Diagram showing the Marchwood Integrated System

The Results

The owner of the vehicle auction lot has the capability in virtual real time (once a minute) to track and monitor all the vehicles on the auction lot. The company can also supply current data to the new owner of the vehicle and have a built-in warranty that the vehicle sold was in a certain condition when it drove off the lot.

“Innovation is a key requirement at Marchwood Integrated, and we pride ourselves on innovative applications of technology to ensure that we can meet all of our clients requirements. We understand that the work we do for you is performed best only when you, our customer is satisfied”

Operations Director

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